Q. What is the ‘Permabear Doomster’ website about?

This site’s primary aim is to help contribute ‘something useful’ to the wider chartists-community.

Having been lurking in the shadows for over 3 years (2008-11), I felt it was the right time (February 2012) to begin my own regular postings.

After four years, I’ve decided to move my intraday posts for subscribers, but keep open a regular presense via Blogger.. and this page.
Q. Who is the ‘Permabear Doomster’?

I’m just another trader out there in the western world (London, UK, who currently resides in an overground Bunker.

I have extensive experience in trading stocks, ETFs, and (stock, ETF) options.

Ohh, and no, I’m not a ‘qualified financial adviser’, although I find it shamefully ironic that most of the mainstream ‘experts’ never saw either of the big declines in 2000 or 2008 coming. It was always ‘such a surprise’, how could they have known?

Q. How may I contact the Permabear?

You are most welcome to post any general comment in any recent posting, via a Disqus account.

You can also contact me via email, or post a comment – see my ‘Contact’ page.

Page last updated – 15/5/2016