
Many thanks for your payment! You should have received an email confirmation of the transaction from Paypal.

What happens now?

Please wait for me to email you a username and password.

Q. How long until I receive a username/password?

Normally you will receive your login details within an hour.

However, even I need to sleep, and as I live in the UK, please understand that if you initiate a subscription/payment after 5pm EST, it might take until the next morning before you hear back from me.

If you don’t hear back from me within 12 hours…

-Email me:
-Send me a message via Disqus
-Or via Twitter. I don’t take DMs (direct messages) by default, but you can just tweet to @permabear_uk , and I will get back to you asap.

The login page is

Please ensure you allow a cookie for that domain.

If you have any questions or requests, please let me know.

Page last updated: August 5th 2018